43 Best Rice,egg and fried plantain delicious and handy!

43 Best Rice,egg and fried plantain delicious and handy!

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Are you a cooking guru? Maybe you are just a kitchen veteran? Or like lots of others, you might be a beginner.Whatever the instance might be, practical cooking recommendations can add some fresh suggestions to your cooking. Spend some time as well as find out a couple of points that can sprinkle some new fun into your kitchen regimen. This Rice,egg and fried plantain recipe maybe a perfect fit for you.

Rice,egg and fried plantain

Rice,egg and fried plantain Rice cuban style with egg and fried plantain. Fried Plantains Recipe - Many home cooks will serve their main meal at noon along with a side of rice and fried plantains. But the creativity of cooks doesn't consist of just fried plantains, there are dozens of dishes ranging from sweet to savory that use plantains as their main ingredient.

To make Rice,egg and fried plantain you need 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Rice,egg and fried plantain :

  1. Prepare Vegetable oil.
  2. You need Ripe plantain.
  3. Provide Salt.
  4. You need Rice.
  5. You need Egg.
  6. You need to prepare Onion.
  7. Provide Knorr seasoning.
  8. Provide Salt.
  9. You need Ginger.
  10. Use Curry.

Short Tips:

Prep work is a very fundamental part of cooking. You intend to see to it you have every item you might need. You also intend to ensure you have all the materials you could need. You don't intend to be in the center of a dish and discover you are missing something crucial.

instructions :Rice,egg and fried plantain

  1. Boil rice for 15minutes wash and boil till is soft.boil the egg and let it cool then peel..
  2. Slice plantain and fry in vegetable oil till is golden brown..
  3. Blend the fresh pepper,fresh tomatoes,garlic and boil for the water to dry and pour im vegetable oil and stir frying it for 8minutes and stir as well..
  4. Slice in onion,salt,knorr seasoning and curry boil for 10minutes and is good..

Garnished coconut rice served with fried plantains, peppered fish, turkey and boiled eggs. Coconut rice comes next to jollof rice and fried rice in Nigeria. Coconut rice can be cooked plain or garnished. This fried rice comes together really quickly, so it's important that all of your ingredients are prepped and ready to go before you start cooking. I added a carrot, an extra egg and marinated/sliced pork chop and used Bragg Aminos to make it GF. ยท These fried plantain cups with shrimp and avocado salad are an awesome Latin hand-held appetizer or dinner option that will truly impress your guests!

Since you've reached the end of this Rice,egg and fried plantain recipe, now explore recipes and also apply it and also take pleasure in. You never ever recognize - you simply might have located a new job.

If you find this Rice,egg and fried plantain recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

43 Best Rice,egg and fried plantain delicious and handy!
Collection 43 Best Rice,egg and fried plantain delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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