37 Recipe Yummy Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages suitable for every moment!

37 Recipe Yummy Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages suitable for every moment!

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Cooking could be one of the oldest skills in the world. That does not mean that there are any restrictions to the understanding readily available for the cook thinking about boosting his or her abilities. Even the finest cooks, even professionals, can always locate brand-new recipes, approaches as well as methods to boost their kitchen skills, so lets try this Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages recipe, we hope you like it.

Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages

Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages

To cook Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages you only need 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages :

  1. Use cooked rice.
  2. You need hotdog sausage.
  3. Use eggs.
  4. Use medium sized onion.
  5. Prepare shallots (If you don't have onions).
  6. You need to prepare medium sized tomato.
  7. You need to prepare chopped spring onion.
  8. Use soy sauce.
  9. Provide sugar.
  10. You need to prepare cooking oil.
  11. You need white pepper powder as you like.
  12. Provide cucumber (slice into rings).
  13. Provide lime and a spring onion for side dish garnish.

Short Tips:

When storing ingredients that you will make use of for cooking it is an excellent practice to stock them in big amounts and also freeze them in plastic bags. This will make preparing food much easier and also quicker. As an example, when preparing vegetables, you can just pull them out of the fridge freezer and simply boil them.

step by step :Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages

  1. Slice the sausages into rings and cut the tomato into pieces,finely chop the shallots or onion and set aside..
  2. Heat the oil in the pan with medium heat.Add the chopped shallots or onion and stir fry until light brown.Then follow with the tomato and sausages.Stir fry together until the tomato become soft and sausages cooked.Add some soy sauce and sugar then stir fry until combine as shown..
  3. Use a spatula sweep the fried sausages mixture to one side of the pan and crack 2 eggs into the pan,break the yolk and wait until they start to cooked.Then gather the sausages on the eggs sheet and stir fry to mix them together..
  4. Add the cooked rice and some pepper powder (not too much) and stir fry them together,until everything is combine and become dry.Scoop the rice on the plate and sprinkle some chopped spring onion on top.Serve them along with half lime,whole spring onion and sliced cucumber.Enjoy!!!.
  5. Tips** For the better result you can use your over left frozen cooked rice bc when you stir fried them.The rice won't become mushy and wet. Good fried rice should be dry and the rice grain shouldn't be mushy.If you don't have over left rice.You can cook your rice in the pot but add less water a little bit.When its cooked and completely cool down,store them in the fridge over night and you'll have perfect cooked rice to make fried rice..

Since you have actually gotten to the end of this Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages recipe, now try out recipes and apply it and appreciate. You never ever recognize - you simply may have found a new job.

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37 Recipe Yummy Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages suitable for every moment!
Collection 37 Recipe Yummy Thai Style Fried Rice with Egg and Sausages suitable for every moment! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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