42 Best Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries delicious & tasty!

42 Best Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries delicious & tasty!

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Lots of people like cooking and think it makes the ideal relaxing leisure activity. A kitchen that is filled with fresh food that smells delicious is certain to make anyone's state of mind a little bit lighter. It can often seem tough, however, to determine dishes that help you or guidance that results in an ultimately successful dish. Perhaps this Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries dish is the one you are searching for.

Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries

Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries

To cook Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries you need 38 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries :

  1. Provide Fry Chicken ~.
  2. You need Chicken boneless.
  3. You need egg.
  4. Provide corn flour.
  5. Prepare flour.
  6. Use black pepper.
  7. You need salt.
  8. Prepare Oil for fry.
  9. Provide GRAVY *.
  10. Prepare tomato Ketchup.
  11. You need chilli Garlic sauce.
  12. Use water.
  13. You need to prepare sugar.
  14. Provide salt.
  15. You need corn flour.
  16. Use onion cubes.
  17. Prepare capsicum cubes.
  18. You need Garlic chopped.
  19. You need oil.
  20. You need to prepare ~EGG FRIED RICE & VEGGIES*.
  21. Prepare Boiled Rice 🍚.
  22. Prepare chopped Capsicum.
  23. You need to prepare chopped carrots.
  24. Prepare chopped cabbage.
  25. You need Scrambled egg.
  26. Provide soya sauce.
  27. Use chilli sauce.
  28. Provide black pepper.
  29. You need Salt as required.
  30. You need to prepare olive oil.
  31. Prepare CRISPY FRIES ~.
  32. You need Potato (fries cut).
  33. Provide gram flour.
  34. Prepare Garlic powder.
  35. You need to prepare baking soda.
  36. You need paprika.
  37. You need to prepare Water as required.
  38. Provide Oil for fry.

Short Tips:

Preparation is a really important part of food preparation. You intend to ensure you have every product you might need. You additionally wish to ensure you have all the supplies you might require. You don't wish to remain in the middle of a meal and also figure out you are missing something essential.

instructions :Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries

  1. FRY CHICKEN~ Cut boneless chicken in small cubes, now Marinate it with egg, salt, black pepper, corn flour and flour and mix well. Heat up oil and fry all Marinated chicken in medium flame till golden fry and crispy. Let it out in oil absorbing paper..
  2. GRAVY~ In a pan add oil and chopped Garlic sautay and add onions, capsicum, salt, sugar, tomato Ketchup, chilli Garlic Paste and water give a stir..
  3. Add a tbls of water in corn flour and add in gravy Mixture now add fried chicken and cook on medium flame till thicken the gravy and cover it for 5 Minutes after turn off the flame..
  4. EGG FRIED RICE WITH VEGGIES: In a wok add olive oil and chopped cabbage, carrots and capsicums with salt, pepper, soya sauce and Chilli sauce. Cook on medium flame for 2 Minutes (don't over cook) then add Boiled rice and Scrambled eggs mix well till all Combine. Turn off the flame and cover it..
  5. CRISPY FRIES: In a bowl add fries cut Potatoes, salt, paprika, baking soda and gram flour mix well by adding 1 tbls of water in it mix well and fry on medium to high flame in oil. Fry till golden brown send crisy..
  6. Set Platte with Chicken Manchurian, Egg fried veggies rice and crisp fries..
  7. Garnish with some chopped green onions green part (green onions is not available so i used fresh chopped coriander leaves)..
  8. Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried veggies rice and crispy fries. Share this platter with your love one..

Take these Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries recipe suggestions and utilize them and also maybe even experiment while you are at it. The kitchen area is a great place to try new points with the right help.

If you find this Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

42 Best Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries delicious & tasty!
Collection 42 Best Chicken Manchurian with Egg Fried Veggies Rice & Crispy fries delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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