32 Recipe Delicious Jollof Rice & Fried Egg suitable for every moment!

32 Recipe Delicious Jollof Rice & Fried Egg suitable for every moment!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Everyone likes the suggestion of taking a seat to a tasty home-cooked meal, but with today's active routines, it can be more difficult than ever to find the time to put one with each other. Luckily, aid is around, the Jollof Rice & Fried Egg recipe and recommendations in this write-up will certainly assist you put together healthier meals for your family members in a remarkably, short time.

Jollof Rice & Fried Egg

Jollof Rice & Fried Egg

You can have Jollof Rice & Fried Egg using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jollof Rice & Fried Egg :

  1. Prepare rice.
  2. You need tatashe.
  3. You need to prepare Tomatoes.
  4. Provide habanero pepper.
  5. Provide Bay leaves.
  6. Use Curry powder.
  7. Use Salt.
  8. Prepare oil.
  9. You need to prepare large eggs.
  10. You need to prepare knorr cube.
  11. You need to prepare chicken stock.

Short Tips:

If a recipe says to use a particular type of pan, then use that pan. If you merely own one nonstick pan, the best tip we will offer you is to wait for a decent sale at a kitchen store, then get yourself a stainless steel pan and a cast iron frying pan. Additionally its smart idea to switch low-cost nonstick pans every few years, as the coating can wear down over the years.

step by step :Jollof Rice & Fried Egg

  1. Parboil rice for 15minutes.wash and keep aside. Blend tomatoes,pepper and onions and set aside.
  2. Pour veg oil in a pot once its hot, Pour in the blended tomato paste. fry for at least 5minutes. Add knorr, salt, curry powder and bayleaf and stir in chicken stock.
  3. Boil for 2minutes and pour in the rice. Mix very well with wooden spoon.cover to boil..
  4. Boil for 10mins,check it if is dry.onces the rice is dry and soft Put off the heat and enjoy jollof rice..
  5. Heat up frying pan, break eggs in a small bowl and add salt, black pepper and fry plan and serve with jollof rice.

A wonderful, home-cooked meal is the example everybody bear in mind. Making use of these Jollof Rice & Fried Egg recipe to enhance your food preparation is the same as a professional athlete that maintains training-- the extra you do it, the much better you get, find out as high as you can around food preparation. The even more recipe you have, the better your dishes will taste.

If you find this Jollof Rice & Fried Egg recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

32 Recipe Delicious Jollof Rice & Fried Egg suitable for every moment!
Collection 32 Recipe Delicious Jollof Rice & Fried Egg suitable for every moment! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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