30 Best Red Velvet Cake with fruit tasty & healthy!

30 Best Red Velvet Cake with fruit tasty & healthy!

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Cooking is a kind of art and also there are several types of cooking that you can find out. You can end up being a gourmet chef or you can just try to master the art of cooking good dishes within your residence. Several jobs in the work environment use chefs, prep-cooks as well as managers that additionally oversee chefs. We hope this Red Velvet Cake with fruit recipe can assist make you a far better cook.

Red Velvet Cake with fruit

Red Velvet Cake with fruit

You can have Red Velvet Cake with fruit using 15 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Red Velvet Cake with fruit :

  1. Provide sponge mix.
  2. Provide unsalted butter.
  3. Use golden caster sugar.
  4. You need to prepare eggs.
  5. Prepare cocoa powder.
  6. Prepare red food colouring.
  7. Use vanilla extract.
  8. Prepare sour cream.
  9. Provide plain flour.
  10. Use of bicarbonate soda.
  11. Prepare of salt.
  12. Use cream cheese icing.
  13. You need to prepare icing sugar (sifted).
  14. Provide butter.
  15. Prepare cream cheese.

Short Tips:

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step by step :Red Velvet Cake with fruit

  1. preheat the oven to 170.
  2. grease two circle cake tins.
  3. cream the butter and sugar for 5mins or untill light and airey,slowly add the eggs whilst beating.
  4. add the red food colouring,the cocoa powder and vanilla extract mixing all the time..
  5. then with a spatula fold in the sour cream..
  6. sift in half the flour,adding the bicarbonate of soda as you go folding half way thru. you should have a smooth mixture at this point,if not beat untill you do..
  7. pour the mixture into the lined tins and bake 30-35mins checking half way thru..
  8. to make the icing beat the icing sugar,butter and cream cheese together on slow-med speed untill well mixed. Do not over beat!.
  9. assemble the cake together and decorate how you like I used fresh fruit and a dusting of icing sugar to finish it off..

You do not require to be a pro to prepare an excellent dish. There are many recipes that look hard and also frustrating, yet remain in reality, fairly simple one of it is Red Velvet Cake with fruit recipe. We really hope, this recipe has instilled some confidence in you for the next time you remain in the kitchen.

If you find this Red Velvet Cake with fruit recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

30 Best Red Velvet Cake with fruit tasty & healthy!
Collection 30 Best Red Velvet Cake with fruit tasty & healthy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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