10 Exotic White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache delicious and handy!

10 Exotic White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache delicious and handy!

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Cooking could be among the oldest skills on the planet. That does not imply that there are any kind of restrictions to the knowledge available for the cook curious about boosting his or her abilities. Even the finest chefs, also experts, can always discover new recipes, methods and also strategies to boost their kitchen area skills, so lets try this White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache recipe, we hope you like it.

White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache

White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache There is chocolate frosting, whipped vanilla frosting, fresh strawberry and strawberry pie filling topping this mile-high cake! To make this Chocolate and White Layer Cake with Strawberry you will need This White Chocolate ganache filling is also great as filling or icing cakes. If you're covering your cake with fondant, this icing is perfect to go You should only start whipping (with subsequent successful result) if the mixture is chilled and visibly thickened.

You can have White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache using 21 ingredients and 31 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache :

  2. Use fresh strawberrys, stems removed and sliced.
  4. You need heavy whipping cream.
  5. Use white chocolate, chopped, not chips.
  6. Provide strawberry puree.
  8. Provide cake four.
  9. Use baking soda.
  10. Provide salt.
  11. You need white chocolate, chopped, not chips.
  12. Prepare unsalted butter at room temperaturee.
  13. Prepare large eggs, seperated, yolks in a bowl, whites in a seperature large bowl.
  14. You need cream of tarter.
  15. You need buttermilk.
  17. You need strawberry jello.
  18. Prepare boiling water.
  19. Provide cold strawberry puree.
  20. Prepare cold heavy whipping cream.
  21. You need vanilla extract.

Short Tips:

If you are cooking from a recipe, the best tip we will offer you is to read through the complete thing all the way through before you begin to cook. Not only will this help you gain a much better understanding of what the final dish should look and taste like, you’ll even be able to ascertain that cooking utensil you need, as well as catch important instructions.

step by step :White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache

  2. Puree strawberries in a food processor or blender and reserve all juice to use for filling and topping.
  3. .
  5. Heat cream until hot but not boiling, pour over white chocolate, let sit one minute then stir untl smooth.
  6. Stir in strawberry puree and refrigerate until cold, at least 2 hours.
  7. Right before frosting cake (Don't whip until your ready to frost cake, you can have this chilled up to 2 days before whipping) Beat until light and flffy when ready to frost cake.
  9. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray 4 - 8 - inch cake pans with bakers spray.
  10. Whisk flour baking soda and salt in a bowl.
  11. Melt white chocolate until smooth either in the microwave or over a double boiler.
  12. In a medium bowl beat the eggs and sugar until well combined, beat in egg yolks, vanilla and white chocolate until smooth.
  13. Add the flour alternating with the buttermilk.
  14. Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until they hold firm peaks.
  15. Fold egg whites into cake batter until combined.
  16. Divide into prepared pans and bake until cake is golden and toothpick comes out just clean, about 25 minutes..
  17. Cool 30 minutes in pans on rack before removing to cool completely.
  19. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.
  20. .
  21. Stir in cold syrawberry puree to mix really well, refrigerate until cold and starting to thicken but NOT setting up.
  22. Beat cream to soft peaks, add vanilla and beat until it holds its shape.
  23. Fold strawberry and cream together until uniform in color, chill until its thick enough to be spreadable, about 2 hours.
  25. Place on cake layer, bottom up on serving platter.
  26. Cover with 1/3 of the thickened strawberry mousse.
  27. Add second cake layer, bottom up and cover with another 1/3 of strawberry mousse.
  28. Add third layer of cake and cover wiypth remaining mousse. Refrigerate until cake and mousse firm up at least 2 hours.
  29. Whip the White Chocolate Strawberry Ganache frosting and frost the top and sides of cake. Refigerate again untjil frosting fims up before garmnishing and slicing.
  30. Garnish with fresh strawberries and red, pink and white sprinkles.
  31. .

White Chocolate Cake is my new favorite white cake! The cake is soft, with a tender crumb and a buttery, white chocolate flavor. The frosting is out of control delicious, and there's an extra layer of strawberry preserves sandwiched in between that compliments the white chocolate perfectly! This strawberry tuxedo cake is made with no-bake chocolate cheesecake layers, chocolate I used my 'Chocolate Ganache Recipe', my 'Berry Whipped Cream Frosting' and my 'Chocolate Cake Enjoyed this strawberry tuxedo cake recipe? Check out these other strawberry cake recipes for.

There are couple of hobbies as satisfying also rewarding as cooking. Not just can you flex your creative muscles, you can also give scrumptious meals for your family. Broadening your knowledge of food preparation is particular to boost your time in the kitchen area. Attempting White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache recipe is a fantastic way to do just that.

If you find this White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

10 Exotic White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache delicious and handy!
Collection 10 Exotic White Chocolate Layer Cake Filled with Strawberry Mousse and Frosted with Whipped Strawberry White Chocolate Ganache delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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