7 The best Strawberry Daifuku Mochi delicious & tasty!

7 The best Strawberry Daifuku Mochi delicious & tasty!

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Cooking is a form of art and also there are various sorts of cooking that you can learn. You can end up being a gourmet chef or you can merely attempt to master the art of cooking great meals within your home. Lots of jobs in the office utilize cooks, prep-cooks as well as managers that also supervise cooks. We hope this Strawberry Daifuku Mochi recipe can help make you a far better cook.

Strawberry Daifuku Mochi

Strawberry Daifuku Mochi

To cook Strawberry Daifuku Mochi you only need 10 ingredients and 21 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Strawberry Daifuku Mochi :

  1. Use Shiratamako (glutinous rice flour).
  2. Use Sugar.
  3. Use Water.
  4. You need Corn flour.
  5. Provide Strawberry.
  6. Prepare Sweet aduki bean paste (Anko).
  7. Use Sweet Aduki Bean Paste (Anko).
  8. Use Aduki beans (2 Aduki bean tins).
  9. You need to prepare Sugar.
  10. You need Water.

Short Tips:

Do not concern about sharp knives. Can they give you a nasty cut? absolutely. However dull knives are constantly proven to be a lot of dangerous because they are more prone to slip when cutting, that makes the possibility of cutting yourself higher. If you plan to keeping knives sharp, you ought to also learn how to properly hold a chef’s knife, as well as how to hold the food you’re cutting.

step by step :Strawberry Daifuku Mochi

  1. [How to make Aduki bean paste(Anko)] Put aduki beans and sugar in a pot..
  2. Heat the pan over a medium heat..
  3. Boil the aduki beans until it softens, approximately 15 minutes..
  4. If the aduki beans start burning, add a small amount of water to the pot..
  5. When the aduki beans are softened, let the moisture evaporate and add the salt..
  6. Take it off the heat and mash the aduki beans..
  7. You use 180g aduki beans paste(anko)..
  8. [Mochi Instructions] Rinse, dry, and hull the strawberries..
  9. Wet your hands and make 6 small aduki bean balls weighing around 30g each (using plastic gloves may be easier). Put aduki bean balls in the fridge for 15 minutes..
  10. Put each aduki bean ball on a sheet of cling film and flatten them out. Wrap the strawberries with the aduki bean balls by molding all the way around each strawberry..
  11. In a medium microwave-safe glass bowl, mix shiratamako and sugar with a whisk..
  12. Using a whisk, slowly add water in while stirring. Stir until the mixture has reached a thick consistency. Cover loosely with cling film..
  13. First, microwave 1 minute. Mix well with a wet silicone spatula. The mixture is still whitish and floury..
  14. For the second time, microwave 1 minute again, and mix well with the wet silicone spatula. Now it starts to resemble mochi, but there are still some floury parts..
  15. For the last time, microwave only 30 seconds. Now the mochi mixture should look translucent. (Heating time would vary depending on the microwave but make sure the whole mochi is translucent).
  16. Sift corn starch on the tray and put the mochi on top..
  17. With silicone spatula or kitchen scraper, fold the mochi in half one time so it won’t be as sticky and then divide into 6 equal pieces..
  18. Put some corn starch on your hands, then flatten and expand each mochi into a 3” circle. Then put the put the aduki bean paste covered strawberry on top of it, with the tip facing down..
  19. Start covering the strawberry from all sides and use your thumb to hold the mochi on top..
  20. When all sides of mochi meet at the top, twist and close. Hold the mochi with both hands and form into nice round shape. Repeat the process for the remaining mochi..
  21. Serve at room temperature and they must be consumed within 2 days..

Since you have read the Strawberry Daifuku Mochi recipe, and also you have the knowledge that you need to do in the kitchen area. Get that apron out, dust off your mixing bowls as well as roll up your sleeves. You have some food preparation to do.

If you find this Strawberry Daifuku Mochi recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

7 The best Strawberry Daifuku Mochi delicious & tasty!
Collection 7 The best Strawberry Daifuku Mochi delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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