30 Recipe Perfect White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video delicious and easy to make.

30 Recipe Perfect White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video delicious and easy to make.

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Cooking might be among the oldest abilities worldwide. That does not imply that there are any kind of restrictions to the expertise available for the chef thinking about raising his/her skills. Even the finest chefs, also professionals, can constantly locate new dishes, methods and methods to improve their kitchen abilities, so lets try this White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video recipe, we hope you like it.

White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video

White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video

You can have White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video using 17 ingredients and 20 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video :

  1. Use Inside measurement of baking tray 36.5 cm x 25.5cm × 2.5cm / 14.4''× 10'' × 0.1''.
  2. Use ■White Sponge Cake (35×24cm / 13.8 × 9.4 in).
  3. Prepare egg white, about 5-6 egg whites, well-chilled.
  4. Provide (3.4 oz, 1/2 cup)granulated sugar.
  5. You need to prepare corn starch.
  6. You need to prepare milk, room temperature.
  7. You need to prepare cake flour.
  8. Use vegetable oil.
  9. Provide vanilla oil.
  10. Prepare powdered sugar for dusting.
  11. Use ■Cream.
  12. You need heavy cream.
  13. Provide granulated sugar.
  14. Prepare nonfat dry milk.
  15. Provide vanilla essence.
  16. You need to prepare brandy.
  17. You need ※1cup=235cc(USA).

Short Tips:

You can eliminate the garlic odor from your hands by rubbing them for thirty secs on your stainless-steel cooktop prior to washing them. Garlic includes a delightful taste to lots of recipes, however the apparent smell can linger on your hands. Utilizing this suggestion, you can enjoy your supper without your hands smelling highly of garlic.

instructions :White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video

  1. ★Recipe video★ (my You Tube channel)→
  2. Preheat an oven to 180℃ / 356F. Sift cake flour twice; set aside. Put the egg white in a bowl. (Please use well-chilled egg whites.) Beat it lightly with a whisk until watery..
  3. Whisk it with an electric hand mixer on high speed. After it becomes whitish, add granulated sugar in 4 parts and Whisk it until very soft peaks form. Please be careful not to whisk too much..
  4. Add corn starch and mix it on high speed for 15 sec..
  5. Switch to low speed. Whisk it slowly for 1.5 minutes on low speed. It'll gradually become glossy..
  6. Pour milk in a large bowl. Add a small amount of meringue and vanilla oil to the milk. Mix it until smooth..
  7. Add sifted cake flour. Mix it until smooth..
  8. Add the meringue in 4 parts. Fold it 20 times each addition..
  9. And then fold it another 100 times. The volume of the batter will go down a little and it'll get smooth..
  10. Put vegetable oil in a small bowl. Add a small amount of the batter to the oil. Mix well and emulsify..
  11. Put it back to the cake batter. Fold it about 30 times. Scrape off the batter on the inner side of the bowl..
  12. Pour it into a baking tray. Flatten it. Bake it at 160℃ / 320F for 15 mins..
  13. After baked, drop the tray to prevent shrinkage. Take the cake out from the tray and peel off the paper on the side. Let it cool; set aside..
  14. 【For Cream】Put ices or ice packs and water in a large bowl. Put another bowl into the cold water. Pour heavy cream into the bowl and add granulated sugar..
  15. Whisk it with an electric hand mixer on low speed until foamy. Add nonfat dry milk and mix well with a whisk..
  16. Take the bowl out from the water and add vanilla essence and brandy. Mix well. It'll become stiff cream due to the dry milk..
  17. 【For Assemble】Place a new parchment paper on top of the cake and turn over the cake. Peel off the lining paper. Put plastic wrap over the sponge and turn it over. Cut off the edge at an angle..
  18. Spread the cream over the sponge. Roll it up tightly at the beginning. Lift the plastic wrap and push and roll..
  19. Wrap it with parchment paper. And then wrap it with plastic wrap completely. Let it sit in a fridge 2-3 hours..
  20. Sprinkle powdered sugar. Slice and serve!.

Everybody intends to be a far better cook. Everybody wants to try out fun recipes. Discovering the moment and really feeling the motivation to be innovative in the cooking area can in some cases pose an obstacle though. We really hope these White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video recipe can bring the magic to your cooking area. Offer a couple of these suggestions a shot tonight, your taste buds will certainly thanks!

If you find this White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

30 Recipe Perfect White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video delicious and easy to make.
Collection 30 Recipe Perfect White Swiss Roll (Snow Cake Roll) ★Recipe Video delicious and easy to make. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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