How to Make Appetizing French Apple Custard Cake delicious & tasty!

How to Make Appetizing French Apple Custard Cake delicious & tasty!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

There are many resources of information on cooking. Some info is tailored in the direction of knowledgeable chefs and not for the average individual. It can be puzzling to learn every one of the readily available information. Thankfully, this French Apple Custard Cake recipe is easy to do and will certainly offer you some fantastic ideas. They will benefit anybody, also a beginner.

French Apple Custard Cake

French Apple Custard Cake

You can have French Apple Custard Cake using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of French Apple Custard Cake :

  1. You need medium apples, peeled, slice thinly.
  2. Provide all purpose flour.
  3. Prepare baking powder.
  4. You need eggs.
  5. Provide sugar.
  6. Use salt.
  7. You need vanilla extract.
  8. You need milk.
  9. You need to prepare butter, melted.

Short Tips:

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step by step :French Apple Custard Cake

  1. Preheat oven to 200C. Line an 8-inch square baking pan..
  2. Whisk flour and baking powder in a bowl..
  3. Beat eggs, sugar and salt until the sugar dissolve and eggs are pale. Whisk in vanilla extract, milk and melted butter..
  4. Stir the flour in until the batter is smooth..
  5. Bake for 40-50 minutes until golden brown and cake tester come out clean. Transfer pan to cooling rack and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes before cut and serving it..
  6. Add the apples, gently fold into the batter until each slices is coated in batter. Scrape batter into baking pan, smooth it as evenly as possible..

There is always something new to find out when it comes to food preparation and also every cook's skill-set is open to enhancement. This French Apple Custard Cake recipe is simply a couple of recipe suggestions to help boost your cook's performance. There are a lot more great recipes available as well as excellent chefs maintain trying to find them throughout their lives. Constant discovering is the key to ever-improving food preparation skills.

If you find this French Apple Custard Cake recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Make Appetizing French Apple Custard Cake delicious & tasty!
Collection How to Make Appetizing French Apple Custard Cake delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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