5 Best Banana Cake with Prunes fit for newbie.

5 Best Banana Cake with Prunes fit for newbie.

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Cooking could be among the oldest abilities on the planet. That does not indicate that there are any type of restrictions to the knowledge readily available for the chef curious about boosting his/her abilities. Even the finest chefs, also experts, can always discover new recipes, approaches and also methods to boost their kitchen skills, so lets try this Banana Cake with Prunes recipe, we hope you like it.

Banana Cake with Prunes

Banana Cake with Prunes

You can cook Banana Cake with Prunes using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Banana Cake with Prunes :

  1. You need self-rising flour.
  2. Use ripe bananas, mashed.
  3. Use vanilla sugar.
  4. You need egg.
  5. Use condensed milk.
  6. You need to prepare Prunes.

Short Tips:

Prep work is a really fundamental part of food preparation. You want to see to it you have every product you may need. You likewise want to see to it you have all the materials you might need. You don't intend to remain in the center of a recipe as well as find out you are missing out on something vital.

instructions :Banana Cake with Prunes

  1. Mix vanilla sugar, egg, and condensed milk. Beat using fork. Add to mashed bananas. Add flour and mix well..
  2. Arrange in a mold. Put some prunes on top..
  3. Bake 150 Celcius degrees for 40 minutes..

A wonderful, home-cooked meal is the kind of thing everybody keep in mind. Using these Banana Cake with Prunes recipe to enhance your cooking is the same as an athlete who keeps training-- the much more you do it, the much better you get, discover as much as you can about food preparation. The even more recipe you have, the better your meals will certainly taste.

If you find this Banana Cake with Prunes recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

5 Best Banana Cake with Prunes fit for newbie.
Collection 5 Best Banana Cake with Prunes fit for newbie. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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