How to Prepare Tasty Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich delicious and handy!

How to Prepare Tasty Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich delicious and handy!

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Are you a cooking master? Perhaps you are simply a kitchen veteran? Or like several others, you may be a novice.Whatever the instance might be, useful cooking guidance can include some fresh ideas to your cooking. Take some time and also discover a few points that can sprinkle some new enjoyable into your kitchen routine. This Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich recipe maybe a perfect fit for you.

Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich

Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich Try this scrumptious Chicken Stuffed Potato Sandwich with Mexican style chicken filling, we are sure that everyone in the family will love it. In bowl,add potatoes,cream cheese,black pepper crushed,salt,prepared tacos seasoning,fresh coriander,green chili,mix well & set aside. Potato Sandwiches give a different dimension to grilled cheese sandwich.

To make Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich you only need 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich :

  1. Use medium size potatoes boiled and mashed.
  2. Use green chillies (finely chopped).
  3. You need Sliced cheese.
  4. Provide tblspn Oil.
  5. Prepare tspn mustard.
  6. Use tspn Jeera.
  7. Prepare asfoitida.
  8. Prepare Salt.
  9. Prepare tspn Garam masala.
  10. You need to prepare tspn coriander powder.
  11. Provide Bread sliced.
  12. You need Butter to apply on sandwich.

Short Tips:

If a recipe says to use a particular kind of pan, then use that pan. If you only own one nonstick pan, the best tip we can provide you with is to wait for a good sale at a kitchen shop, then purchase yourself a chrome steel pan and a cast iron frypan. Additionally its smart idea to replace cheap nonstick pans each few years, as the coating can wear down over the years.

step by step :Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich

  1. Mash the boiled potatoes. Chopped green chillies and slice the cheese.
  2. Take a pan, add oil, jeera, mustard and asfoitida. Let it crackle, add chopped chillies..
  3. Now add mashed potatoes, add Garam masala, coriander powder and salt. Mix it well. Cook on low flame for another 5 minutes. Masala for sandwich is ready..
  4. Set the bread slices. Apply butter on it. Add Potato masala. Add sliced cheese on it. Put it in preheated toaster..
  5. Cook till bread get golden colour. Serve with your choice of chatuny or dips..

This recipe has sweet potatoes ( shakarkand or Grilled Potato Cheese Sandwich is an easy and delicious breakfast you can make for your kids. This simple sandwich with cheese, tomato and pickle leaves its mild-mannered persona behind with a potato chip makeover. What do you get when you take a bite of a warm, just-grilled ham-cheese-pickle sammie stuffed with potato chips? Dill Pickle Grilled Cheese Sandwich - a quick and easy lunch recipe. It has a golden brown crust with dill parmesan butter.

Food preparation a tasty dish for your family members does not have to mean spending hours slaving away in the kitchen. There are numerous number of recipes such as Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich recipe, you can make use of to whip with each other a great meal in a short time, soon your family members will be delighting in the fruits of your labors.

If you find this Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Prepare Tasty Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich delicious and handy!
Collection How to Prepare Tasty Cheese-Potato stuffed Sandwich delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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