5 Exotic Fried green peas with boiled Rice delicious & tasty!

5 Exotic Fried green peas with boiled Rice delicious & tasty!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Cooking could be among the earliest abilities on the planet. That does not imply that there are any limits to the understanding offered for the cook curious about boosting his or her abilities. Even the finest cooks, even experts, can constantly find brand-new dishes, techniques and also techniques to improve their kitchen skills, so lets try this Fried green peas with boiled Rice recipe, we hope you like it.

Fried green peas with boiled Rice

Fried green peas with boiled Rice The health benefits of Green Peas. Green Peas are a great food to have in your diet as they are sort of like a multi-vitamin because they are packed full of a variety of minerals and nutrients. Below, we have listed some of the high-level benefits of eating peas are: They are one of the best plant-based proteins; They help regulate blood sugar You can also try our Stir fired Vegetables in Oyster Sauce, Stir fried Eggplant and Hoisin Vegetables with Pan Fried Noodles.

You can cook Fried green peas with boiled Rice using 8 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fried green peas with boiled Rice :

  1. Provide rice.
  2. Use cooking oil.
  3. You need to prepare soy sauce.
  4. You need to prepare tomatoes.
  5. Use onion medium size diced.
  6. You need steamed green peas.
  7. Provide dices carrots.
  8. Provide salt.

Short Tips:

You can eliminate the garlic smell from your hands by massaging them for thirty seconds on your stainless-steel stove before washing them. Garlic includes a fascinating flavor to several dishes, yet the apparent odor can linger on your hands. Utilizing this pointer, you can enjoy your supper without your hands smelling strongly of garlic.

instructions :Fried green peas with boiled Rice

  1. Put 2 cups of water in cooking pot, add a pinch salt and put on fire.
  2. Let it boil and add you rice which you had prepared by soaking in warm water.
  3. Cover and let it simmer on low heat.
  4. In a different pan, add cooking oil 2 table spoons.
  5. Add your diced onions and garlic, stir until they sweat.
  6. Add the diced tomatoes, carrots and any other spice you love and cover for 3 minutes.
  7. Stir the mixture,add the steamed green peas and soy sauce.
  8. Cover and cook in low heat for 10 minutes.
  9. Add a bit of water,1/4 cup and stir well then let it cook for 5 minutes.
  10. Serve your rice which was cooking in low heat with this fried green peas.

Shrimp Fried Rice recipe is made with fresh shrimp, rice, green onions, peas, carrots, and sesame oil. You have probably tried this recipe multiple times at a Chinese restaurant, or other places. really easy and yummy! Once they are done, drain the hot water and place the boiled peas in a jug or container that has ice cold water. This is important as it will help retain the vibrant green color. I learnt it while watching chopped.

Food preparation a tasty dish for your family members does not have to indicate investing hours toiling away in the kitchen area. There are numerous variety of recipes such as Fried green peas with boiled Rice recipe, you can make use of to whip together a great dish in a short time, quickly your family will be delighting in the fruits of your labors.

If you find this Fried green peas with boiled Rice recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

5 Exotic Fried green peas with boiled Rice delicious & tasty!
Collection 5 Exotic Fried green peas with boiled Rice delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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