13 Exotic Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish delicious and easy to make.

13 Exotic Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish delicious and easy to make.

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Wish to be a much better cook? Who doesn't! Seeking some brand-new, fun, and interesting food selection ideas? That isn't! The wish to prepare better meals and also attempt brand-new recipes is something all of us want to do. Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish recipe possibly the one you are looking for.

Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish

Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish Check the rice, if almost done, or bring to boil, add the shrimps, green peas either to garnish or to add to rice Add remaining ingredients, periwinkle, shrimps, boiled stock fish, smoked stock fish, boiled assorted beef. See more ideas about Jollof rice, Jollof, African food. Jollof Rice (Jellof Rice) - a popular Nigerian one-pot dish that is bursting with flavors topped with mixed veggies and wide variety or protein for an incredible Stewed Greens- Collard green, Kale, Spinach and cabbage loaded with smoked turkey.

To make Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish you need 10 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you do it.

Ingredients of Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish :

  1. Prepare Rice.
  2. Provide big sizeable Smoked fish.
  3. You need green peas.
  4. Prepare Salt.
  5. Provide cksp Vegetable oil.
  6. You need to prepare Fresh tatasi.
  7. Provide Curry.
  8. You need to prepare Onions.
  9. Provide Maggi.
  10. Provide ginger and garlic.

Short Tips:

If you are cooking from a recipe, the simplest tip we will offer you is to read through the whole thing all the way through before you begin to cook. Not only will this help you gain a much better understanding of what the final dish should look and taste like, you’ll also be ready to ascertain which cooking tools you need, as well as catch important instructions.

instructions :Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish

  1. Debone the smoked fish and wash with warm water and salt..
  2. Wash and blend fresh tomatoes and tatasi but remove the seeds in the tatasi before blending..
  3. Fry the tomatoes and tatsi with vegetable oil for 10mins..
  4. Cut onions and pour in then pour in water and cover to cook for 5mins..
  5. After 5mins add salt,curry,ginger,garlic..
  6. Parboil rice for 10mins and wash..
  7. Pour in the parboiled rice and stir very well.add the smoked fish.cover to cook..
  8. Wash the green peas and pour it in immediately the rice is almost drying..
  9. Stir and allow the rice to dry..

Jollof Rice one of our favorite party food in Nigeria, hardly will you go to any Nigerian party and not find it. The uniqueness of this jollof rice lies in the roasting of the bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. This brings an additional depth of flavor to the meal. Nigerian jollof rice is probably one of the most talked about dishes from Nigeria in any part of the world where it has been eaten. But the normal jollof rice we have at home is moderately spiced and of course quite tasty as well.

Food preparation is a kind of art as well as it requires time as well as method to equal experience and also expertise in the field. There are numerous kinds of cooking and likewise various kinds of food from different cultures. Apply what you have actually seen from Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish recipe it will aid you in your food preparation endeavors.

If you find this Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

13 Exotic Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish delicious and easy to make.
Collection 13 Exotic Jollof rice with green peas and smoked fish delicious and easy to make. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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