30 Exotic Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish fit for newbie.

30 Exotic Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish fit for newbie.

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Cooking is a form of art and also there are many different types of cooking that you could discover. You can become a chef or you can merely try to understand the art of cooking great dishes within your residence. Several jobs in the work environment use cooks, prep-cooks and also supervisors that additionally oversee chefs. We hope this Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish recipe can help make you a better cook.

Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish

Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish For vegetables, add peas, potatoes, eggplant or mushrooms. Veggies e.g Green pepper, green beans, peas, carrots (optional). Jollof Rice is a common West African dish that derived its name from the Djolof/Wolof people of Senegal, hence its Jollof which is often described as a "reddish one-pot dish" is prepared with rice and tomato sauce plus other.

You can cook Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish using 14 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish :

  1. You need to prepare Salt.
  2. Prepare Onions.
  3. Provide Maggi.
  4. Provide carrots.
  5. Prepare green peas.
  6. You need rice.
  7. Prepare cksp Vegetables oil.
  8. Prepare curry.
  9. Provide piecesFresh pepper.
  10. Use Fresh tomatoes.
  11. You need chicken spice.
  12. Provide Thyme.
  13. You need to prepare ginger.
  14. You need to prepare garlics.

Short Tips:

If you are cooking from a recipe, the simplest tip we can give you is to read through the whole thing all the way through before you begin to cook. Not only will this assist you gain a far better understanding of what the final dish ought to look and taste like, you’ll even be able to ascertain that cooking tools you need, as well as catch important instructions.

step by step :Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish

  1. Parboil rice for 15mins..
  2. Blend the tomatoes and pepper with ginger and garlic..
  3. Cut and wash with salt,spice with salt,curry and thyme..
  4. Set in the oven,lower the heat and heat for 30mins..
  5. Boil the blended tomatoe and pepper till the water drys..
  6. Pour in the groundnut oil fry for 4 mins..
  7. Pour in sliced onion fry for 1min.add water and boil for 6 mins..
  8. Add curry,thyme,salt,chicken spices,maggi and boil for 2mins..
  9. Pour in the parboiled rice,stir very well for at least 30seconds..
  10. Add more maggi and salt.cover to boil..
  11. Wash and cut the carrots and green peas..
  12. Boil the rice 10mins when is almost pour in the carrots and green peas..
  13. Stir vigourously and turn off the heat so that the carrots and green peas will not the too soft..

African spinach stew with chicken and shrimp. Peppered fish - fish in sweet. Jollof rice is a spicy African rice dish that cooks in one pan, uses lots of veg and can be a veggie main or a side to some simply baked chicken. Spoon the jollof rice onto warmed plates and add the plantain on the side. Garnish with the chopped coriander and serve with a green salad alongside.

There is constantly something brand-new to discover when it concerns food preparation as well as every cook's skill-set is open to renovation. This Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish recipe is just a few recipe suggestions to aid enhance your cook's performance. There are many more great recipes out there as well as great chefs keep trying to find them throughout their lives. Constant discovering is the key to ever-improving cooking skills.

If you find this Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

30 Exotic Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish fit for newbie.
Collection 30 Exotic Jollof rice with carrots and green peas with fish fit for newbie. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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