How to Prepare Perfect Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions healthy & tasty!

How to Prepare Perfect Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions healthy & tasty!

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As soon as you comprehend the essentials of cooking, it can be such a releasing and rewarding experience to develop a simply scrumptious dish or baked item. The scents in your home and also the faces of the people that you share it with are invaluable. We wish this Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions recipe will certainly provide you some suggestion for you to come to be a phenomenal cook.

Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions

Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions American, Garlic, Onion, Potato, Easy, Side Dish, Fall. When cool enough to handle, peel them. These deliciously easy Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions make the perfect side, topping for grilled steak This scrumptious sauteed mushrooms and onion recipe has six ingredients and takes about twenty It smells like heaven and tastes delicious especially great over baked and mashed potatoes.

You can have Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions :

  1. Provide potatoes.
  2. Provide sweet onion.
  3. You need butter.
  4. Prepare california style garlic salt w/ parsley.
  5. Provide freshly ground black pepper.
  6. Prepare *OPTIONAL* extra virgin olive oil (CAN SUBSTITUTE FOR BUTTER).

Short Tips:

One of the best things that you can do is to cook with member of the family or good friends. When you prepare with someone else, you will certainly be able to notice techniques that they implement and also will certainly have the ability to better on your own as a cook. Speak to them to see exactly how their mind works, to elevate your know-how.

instructions :Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions

  1. Wash your potatoes thoroughly. Then take them and cut them in half. Then take the halfed potato and cut it longways down the middle. Then begin slicing it along the width into what would look like little triangle shapes into your desired thickness. (NOTE: Remember the thicker than you cut them the longer they will take to cook, but you don't want to cut them so thin that they cook up really crispy like potato chips.).
  2. Next begin by cutting the ends of the onion and off. Peel the first layer of the paper like peel/outer-skin off of the onion. Then take the onion and slice it in half width ways. Now with the round side up and the flat portion on your cutting board ,begin cutting at an angle starting from the end into Julienned slices. (NOTE: The thickness should be about an 1/8 of an inch) repeat this step with the other piece of the onion..
  3. Heat large deep skillet/ or WOK over medium heat and add/melt half or your butter. Once the butter is melted begin sauteeing your onions. Stir frequently and cook until they are almost fully cooked and a bit translucent. Once they are cooked remove them and place them in a bowl to be used later. If you are handy with a WOK you can use it to flip/stir your onions..
  4. Now add the remaining butter to the skillet until melted. Then add in your potatoes ,pepper ,and garlic salt..
  5. Stir potatoes frequently/ or if using a WOK flip them frequently! Once the potatoes are pretty tender and almost cooked thoroughly ,take and add in the sauteed onions from the bowl that you cooked earlier. Once the onions are added keep stirring and cook an additional 10 minutes until everything is cooked thoroughly. If you like your potatoes a little crispy you can stop stirring and let the bottoms of the potatoes brown but make sure to be careful not to burn them..
  6. The last step is to remove from heat and place on a plate with a paper towel to absorb some of the grease and butter. Once they have cooled a bit and drained you can eat no ketchup needed! Add more pepper garlic salt if needed to enhance flavor!.

Crunchy edges, flavorful mouth popping bits of potato with that fresh sauteed onion is the best taste in the world! Are sauteed potatoes even better than chips or just bubble and squeak without the cabbage? Most recipes for sauteed potatoes call specifically for a waxy variety: Ramsay suggests Charlotte and Anthony Bourdain Yukon The solidity, and buttery flavour of the Charlottes works far better here. Potatoes and onions are mixed with garlic and Parmesan cheese, wrapped in foil, and grilled to tender perfect in this great camping recipe! Stir mayonnaise, Parmesan cheese, garlic, red pepper flakes, paprika, salt, and pepper together in a large bowl.

Cooking is a type of art and also it takes some time and also method to equivalent experience as well as knowledge in the field. There are many kinds of cooking and also many different kinds of food from different societies. Apply what you have actually seen from Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions recipe it will aid you in your cooking ventures.

If you find this Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Prepare Perfect Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions healthy & tasty!
Collection How to Prepare Perfect Sauteed/Fried Garlic Flavored Potatoes and Onions healthy & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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