How to Prepare Tasty Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) family's new favorite!

How to Prepare Tasty Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) family's new favorite!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

There are several sources of information on cooking. Some information is geared in the direction of skilled cooks and except the ordinary person. It can be perplexing to wade through all of the offered information. Thankfully, this Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) recipe is easy to do and will provide you some excellent pointers. They will work for anybody, even a newbie.

Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup)

Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) Pastel tutup has a stir-fried filling usually consists of ground meat, veggies, bean thread noodles. This homemade chicken pot pie recipe streamlines your work by using frozen peas and carrots and Pillsbury™ refrigerated pie crusts. Swap out chicken for turkey or try a different frozen veggie combo to put your own unique spin on this old-fashioned favorite.

You can cook Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) using 31 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) :

  1. Use broth:.
  2. Prepare onion.
  3. Provide garlic.
  4. You need celery.
  5. Provide Leftover chicken breast.
  6. Use water.
  7. Prepare filling:.
  8. You need to prepare chicken breasts.
  9. Prepare pork sausages.
  10. Use carrot.
  11. Use cloud ear fungus.
  12. You need boiled egg.
  13. You need to prepare peas.
  14. You need to prepare glass noodle.
  15. Use garlic.
  16. You need shallots.
  17. Use onion.
  18. Provide celery.
  19. Provide ground nutmeg.
  20. Provide white pepper.
  21. You need Salt & sugar.
  22. Provide condensed milk.
  23. Use fresh milk.
  24. You need chicken broth.
  25. You need to prepare margarine.
  26. Provide cover:.
  27. Provide potatoes, steamed, mashed.
  28. Use margarine.
  29. You need to prepare milk.
  30. Use Salt & pepper.
  31. Use chicken powder.

Short Tips:

You can get rid of the garlic smell from your hands by rubbing them for thirty seconds on your stainless-steel oven before cleaning them. Garlic adds a fascinating flavor to several dishes, however the apparent smell can remain on your hands. Using this suggestion, you can enjoy your supper without your hands scenting highly of garlic.

instructions :Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup)

  1. Broth: Boil a medium pot of water. Put the leftover chicken bones, unpeeled onion, and crushed whole garlic. Boil for about 3 hours. And at the end of the boiling process, add celery..
  2. Prepare all the ingredients..
  3. Blend garlic and shallot. Heat the pan, melt the margarine, and sautee the blended onions..
  4. Chop the onion then sautee..
  5. Next, put the chicken, sausages, carrot in. Mix until it is cooked..
  6. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, condensed milk. Keep stirring. When it starts to dry, add some chicken broth..
  7. Last, put ear cloud fungus, glass noodle, and peas into the pan..
  8. Potato: steam then peel. Smash them then strain the potato until it smooth..
  9. Melt 1 spoonful of margarine, put the mashed potato in, add some chicken powder, add some broth and milk until it gets dry..
  10. Put the filling.
  11. Cover with mash potato.
  12. Sprinkle some cheddar cheese and bake for about 15 minute until it's golden brown.

So delicious to enjoy as a side or for dinner. Puff pastry sheets loaded with a combination of chicken, potatoes, and cheese. The mini pies are so filling and can Baked until golden. Though the pastry pies are best when served immediately warm. Put the potatoes through a food mill.

Everyone wishes to be a much better cook. Everybody wants to experiment with fun recipes. Finding the moment and feeling the inspiration to be imaginative in the kitchen can often position a difficulty though. We wish these Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) recipe can bring the magic to your kitchen area. Give a number of these ideas a try tonight, your taste buds will certainly thanks!

If you find this Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Prepare Tasty Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) family's new favorite!
Collection How to Prepare Tasty Baked Chicken Pie With Potato Cover (Pastel Tutup) family's new favorite! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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