How to Make Appetizing Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!

How to Make Appetizing Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!

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Whether you are an university student just starting your own cooking experiments or a skilled chef with lots of supper celebrations under your belt, there is constantly something new to learn more about cooking. We hope these Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes recipe and tips can help you in your kitchen area tonight, as well as get used to wonderful home-cooked dishes.

Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes

Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes Those thin, flimsy chops you see all over the grocery store dry out easily and lack the. And nice juicy thick pork chop smothered in gravy is the ultimate comfort food for many. Today's pork is not yesterday's pork.

To make Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes you only need 21 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes :

  1. Prepare ● For The Meat.
  2. Provide " Thick Cut Top Loin Chops [1 pound a piece].
  3. You need ● For The Brine.
  4. You need Water.
  5. You need Ice.
  6. Provide Granulated Sugar.
  7. You need Kosher Salt.
  8. Use Fresh Garlic [left whole].
  9. Prepare Whole Pepper Corns.
  10. Provide Dried Thyme.
  11. You need to prepare Thyme.
  12. You need ● For The Seasonings.
  13. You need to prepare Webers Steak & Chop Seasoning.
  14. Provide Fresh Ground Black Pepper.
  15. Prepare Onion Powder.
  16. Provide Garlic Powder.
  17. Use ● For The Sides.
  18. Prepare Homemade Mashed Potatoes.
  19. You need to prepare Homemade Pork Gravy [use pan drippings].
  20. Prepare Fresh Baked French Bread.
  21. You need Whipped Honey Or Cream Butter.

Short Tips:

Salt is the one of the key making the food’s flavor jump around on your tongue. Most of recipes you read will mention when you ought to add salt, but it is a good rule of thumb to add at least a pinch or two when you begin cooking and again at the very end. Your palate are the final guide here, so taste often.

instructions :Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes

  1. Two - 1 pound 2" thick Top Loin chops pictured. Fat trimmed..
  2. Create your brine. Add everything in the ● Brine Section [except ice] in a pot and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar, salt and seasonings are fully dissolved..
  3. Place brine in a plastic bowl. Allow brine to cool. Add ice to cool completely...
  4. Add chops in brine with additional ice if needed and refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours. Ideally you'll want your brine at 36°..
  5. Pull your chops rinse and pat dry. Season as desired. Allow chops to come to room temperature..
  6. Coat chops with oil and generously season all sides. Especially with fresh ground black pepper..
  7. Preheat oven to 350°..
  8. Using a cast iron skillet, heat it to a high searing heat..
  9. Sear your chops on all sides. About 2 1/2 minutes on each side. Try not to flip too early. You want a solid char on your meat..
  10. Place hot skillet and chops in your 350° oven until chops have reached an internal temperature of 140°. Usually 8 to 10 minutes..
  11. Do not cut in to meat to check for doneness. You'll only release all its natural juices. Simply use a digital thermometer. Be careful to not overcook. Otherwise you'll have dry chops..
  12. Once at 140° - pull from oven and allow pork to rest out of skillet for 5 minutes. Serve on personalized cast iron skillets over mashed or, to the side of baked potatoes. Fresh baked French bread and a chilly acidic salad to cut the richness of the pork are also great ideas. I have several chilly, crispy, citrus acid based salad recipes under my profile if you're interested..
  13. Sliced Top Loin. Any juicy leftovers make for fantastic Sautéed Onion & Mushroom Sliders. Or, BBQ Sandwiches. Both on Brioche Buns..
  14. Enjoy!.

Thick-Cut Pork Chops with Apples and OnionSerious Eats. Serve with rice, potato salad, baked or mashed potatoes and a veggie. You may be able to find more information about this and similar. Wybierz z szerokiej gamy podobnych scen. Unlike fattier cuts of pork, pork loin doesn't have fat pockets to keep it moist during cooking.

Now that you have checked out the Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes recipe, as well as you have the expertise that you require to perform in the cooking area. Obtain that apron out, dust off your blending bowls and also roll up your sleeves. You have some cooking to do.

If you find this Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Make Appetizing Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!
Collection How to Make Appetizing Mike's Thick Cut Top Loin Pork Chops Over Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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