46 Recipe Tasty Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways perfect & tasty!

46 Recipe Tasty Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways perfect & tasty!

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Many people enjoy cooking and believe it makes the excellent relaxing hobby. A kitchen that is full of fresh food that smells scrumptious is specific to make anybody's state of mind a bit lighter. It can in some cases seem difficult, though, to identify recipes that benefit you or advice that causes an inevitably successful meal. Perhaps this Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways recipe is the one you are trying to find.

Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways

Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways For oven-roasted potatoes, you want something in the middle, and that means Yukon Gold. The thin skin helps potatoes heat quickly and evenly Herb 'em up. We suggest parsley, rosemary, and thyme as a classic and simple way to season the potatoes, but really, any herbs or spices are welcome here.

You can cook Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways :

  1. You need to prepare Potatoes.
  2. Prepare Potatoes.
  3. Provide White onion.
  4. Prepare Thyme.
  5. Provide Rosemary.
  6. You need to prepare black pepper.
  7. Prepare Salt.
  8. You need to prepare butter.
  9. You need Oil on hand (pref olive oil).
  10. Prepare Eggs.
  11. Use eggs.
  12. You need to prepare parsley.
  13. You need salt.
  14. Use black pepper.

Short Tips:

Do not fear sharp knives. Can they give you a nasty cut? absolutely. But dull knives are constantly verified to be more dangerous because they are more prone to slip when cutting, which makes the chance of cutting yourself higher. If you attempt to keeping knives sharp, you must also find out how to properly hold a chef’s knife, as well as how to hold the food you’re cutting.

step by step :Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways

  1. First, wash a few potatoes, then get to cleaning the skin off (unless you like the skin on, or the potato has a soft skin that could add desired texture)..
  2. Once the potatoes are peeled and cut into small cubes for the desired size, place them into cold water while you cut the onion, garlic, and remove the leaves from the herbs you have on hand. In this recipe I use thyme and rosemary, but you can also use oregano..
  3. In a dry bowl, add the (not wet) potatoes. Add the chopped onion and garlic to the potatoes, add the herbs if you've prepared them, and then add some oil (pref olive oil) and mix in the bowl. Don't forget to season with salt and pepper to taste here..
  4. Place into a tray in the oven (400 degrees F). You can also cook on the stove top with one or two sautee pans if you want to speed up the recipe, but it will slow you down when you get to the eggs..
  5. Let cook for 10-15 minutes before mixing again (to ensure that all sides brown). Timing will depend on the size of the potato, and probably even the type, so just keep an eye on them. When the potatoes look half way done (starting to get golden on the edges, stir again, and cut up a half a stick of butter into smaller cubes. Apply these cubes all over the potatoes, then place back into the oven to continue cooking..
  6. Once potatoes look like they only need 10 more minutes, begin to prepare the eggs. You will need 4 eggs, parsley (optional), black pepper, and a mixing bowl..
  7. Crack two eggs into the mixing bowl and beat them. Add half of the chopped parsley here (the rest can be used to garnish at the end). Add a pinch of black pepper..
  8. Once potatoes look as if they are done (golden brown), add the egg mixture to one side of the tray, and place back in the oven. Then, with the other two eggs, prepare them as desired. I recommend preparing them sunnyside up or poaching them. It took around 5 minutes for the eggs to cook in the tray, so in the time you can prepare to cook the other eggs..
  9. Once the eggs in the oven tray are fully cooked remove the tray. Then once your other eggs are prepared, plate as desired. Remember to use some of your left over parsley to garnish. The thyme and rosemary are not appropriate to garnish with uncooked as they are too strong..

Sure, mashed potatoes are a tasty way to eat potatoes. But in my opinion, nothing is better than perfectly roasted potatoes straight out of the oven. Seasoned with garlic and a variety of dried herbs, the potatoes crisp up in the oven to golden Check our recipe variations below to change up the flavors and try our potatoes in different ways. Flavorful, aromatic Herb Garlic Roasted Potatoes make a wonderful vegetarian side dish. With just a handful of ingredients, these potatoes are I really like the flavors when I prepare them this way.

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46 Recipe Tasty Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways perfect & tasty!
Collection 46 Recipe Tasty Roasted herb and garlic potatoes with eggs cooked two ways perfect & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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