How to Make Appetizing My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce family's new favorite!

How to Make Appetizing My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce family's new favorite!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Cooking is a kind of art and there are several sorts of cooking that you might learn. You can come to be a chef or you can merely try to understand the art of cooking excellent meals within your house. Many jobs in the work environment employ cooks, prep-cooks and also supervisors that also manage cooks. We hope this My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce recipe can assist make you a far better chef.

My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce

My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce

You can cook My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce using 12 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce :

  1. Use piece of Beef.
  2. Provide onion chopped.
  3. Provide sea salt.
  4. Provide Pepper.
  5. Provide ,/4 cup of Red Wine.
  6. Provide Beef stock cubes.
  7. Prepare boiled water.
  8. You need Crushed Peppers.
  9. Provide large can of Chopped Tomatoes.
  10. You need mixed Herbs.
  11. Prepare Worsesterhire Sauce.
  12. Use more boiling water for the end.

Short Tips:

When storing ingredients that you will certainly make use of for food preparation it is an excellent routine to stock them in huge amounts and also freeze them in plastic bags. This will certainly make preparing food much easier and quicker. As an example, when preparing vegetables, you can simply pull them out of the fridge freezer and just steam them.

step by step :My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce

  1. Add the Beef to the Slow cooker and rub sea salt and black pepper into the fat side of the beef..
  2. Add the beef stock, dissolved in the water all around the beef.
  3. Add the can of tomatoes.
  4. Add the wine all around the beef.
  5. Add the onions.
  6. Add everything else stir it around the beef..
  7. Worsestershire sauce..
  8. Add the lid and set the slow cooker on high for an hour then low for 4-6 hours..
  9. All the ingredients will make a lovely sauce with the meat juices.after half the cooking time turn the joint of beef around. Then carry on cooking..
  10. Lift the meat out and cover leave to cool a bit.then slice. Cut off the netting holding the beef together.
  11. Next pour the sauce from the slow cooker into a sauce pan heat up Add another 1/4 cup of boiling water to the sauce and stir then add 2 heaped tsp of Cornflour into a little cold water add a little at a time until you thicken the sauce to the way you like it. You can strain the bits out of the sauce...onion, tomato etc but i leave them in..
  12. Add the cornflour to the sauce and stir to thicken. more boiling water.
  13. Serve the meat Beef with some Veg and boilrd or Roast potatoes the sauce is gorgeous..
  14. Finished meat very tender and falls into pieces..

Now that you have actually checked out the My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce recipe, as well as you have the know-how that you require to do in the kitchen area. Get that apron out, dust off your mixing bowls as well as roll up your sleeves. You have some food preparation to do.

If you find this My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Make Appetizing My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce family's new favorite!
Collection How to Make Appetizing My Slow Cooked Beef in a little spicy mix with a lovely Sauce family's new favorite! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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