How to Prepare Yummy Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) fit for newbie.

How to Prepare Yummy Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) fit for newbie.

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Everybody enjoys the concept of sitting down to a tasty home-cooked dish, yet with today's active schedules, it can be harder than ever to find the moment to put one with each other. Thankfully, help is around, the Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) recipe and suggestions in this article will help you put together well balanced meals for your family members in a surprisingly, short time.

Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung)

Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung)

To make Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) you only need 13 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) :

  1. Prepare white rice.
  2. You need to prepare egg, beaten, then fried and scrambled.
  3. You need to prepare shallots, thinly sliced.
  4. Provide garlic, finely chopped.
  5. Prepare candlenut, shaved/puree.
  6. You need to prepare ground pepper.
  7. Provide dried shrimp paste, toasted.
  8. Use sweet soy sauce.
  9. Use Salt.
  10. Prepare Oil for frying.
  12. Prepare anchovies, fried.
  13. Use cayenne peppers (to taste), thinly sliced.

Short Tips:

Sometimes all the dish needs could be a squeeze of lime to take it to the next level. To get the foremost juice out of citrus, roll it on a cutting board before slicing in.

instructions :Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung)

  1. Saute garlic, shallots and candlenut until fragrant. Add white rice and egg, stir briefly..
  2. Add pepper powder, dried shrimp paste and sweet soy sauce. Stir so that all ingredients are well blended..
  3. Serve fried rice with a sprinkling of fried anchovies and sliced cayenne pepper..

Cooking a tasty meal for your household does not need to imply spending hrs toiling away in the kitchen area. There are many number of recipes such as Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) recipe, you can use to whip together an excellent meal quickly, soon your family members will be appreciating the fruits of your labors.

If you find this Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Prepare Yummy Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) fit for newbie.
Collection How to Prepare Yummy Village Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Kampung) fit for newbie. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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