31 Exotic Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) fit for newbie.

31 Exotic Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) fit for newbie.

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

It's long been said that the most effective method to a guy's heart is through his belly. Yet guys aren't the only ones who love a fantastic dish. Cooking is not simply a technical skill, it's a life activity that you make use of daily. Below, Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) recipe to exercise and improve your cooking abilities and also make you also better at it.

Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG)

Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG)

To make Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) you need 21 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) :

  1. You need to prepare white rice.
  2. Prepare tripe, boiled until soft and then cut to taste.
  3. Provide sweet soy sauce.
  4. Provide shallots, thinly sliced.
  5. Prepare garlic, finely chopped.
  6. Provide leek, sliced medium.
  7. You need to prepare bouillon powder (beef flavor).
  8. Use pepper powder.
  9. Use Salt.
  10. You need to prepare Oil for frying.
  11. Provide GROUND SPICES.
  12. Provide shallots.
  13. Use garlic.
  14. You need red chillis.
  15. You need cayenne peppers.
  16. You need to prepare shrimp paste, fried/grilled.
  18. Provide Fried eggs.
  19. Use Pickled cucumbers.
  20. You need Crackers.
  21. You need to prepare Fried shallots.

Short Tips:

If you are cooking from a recipe, the best tip we will give you is to read through the complete thing all the way through before you begin to cook. Not only will this assist you gain a far better understanding of what the final dish ought to look and taste like, you’ll also be able to ascertain which cooking utensil you need, as well as catch important instructions.

instructions :Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG)

  1. Heat the oil, then saute shallot and garlic until wilted..
  2. Put the ground spices, and cook until aromatic..
  3. Then add the tripe, cook until a little brown and slightly dried out..
  4. Then add the cooked rice, leek and sweet soy sauce. Stir so that the rice does not clump, and season mix well..
  5. Finally add in bouillon powder, pepper powder and salt. Stir, adjust the taste..
  6. Remove and serve with complementary ingredients..

You do not require to be a pro to cook an excellent meal. There are several recipes that look difficult and overwhelming, however are in fact, quite basic among it is Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) recipe. We really hope, this recipe has instilled some self-confidence in you for the next time you remain in the kitchen.

If you find this Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

31 Exotic Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) fit for newbie.
Collection 31 Exotic Tripe Fried Rice from Semarang (NASI GORENG BABAT - SEMARANG) fit for newbie. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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