5 Recipe Delicious Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) tasty & healthy!

5 Recipe Delicious Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) tasty & healthy!

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Want to be a far better chef? Who does not! Seeking some brand-new, enjoyable, as well as interesting food selection concepts? That isn't! The need to prepare far better meals as well as try brand-new dishes is something most of us intend to do. Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) recipe maybe the one you are seeking.

Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN)

Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN)

To make Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) you need 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) :

  1. Use cooked white rice (at room temperature).
  2. Use salted fish fried, shredded/torn rough.
  3. You need to prepare egg, beaten off and fry while in scrambled.
  4. You need leek/leaf chives, cut askew.
  5. Use cayenne peppers (to taste), thinly sliced.
  6. Prepare garlic, minced.
  7. You need small onion, chopped.
  8. Provide soy sauce.
  9. Use sesame oil.
  10. You need to prepare Salt and pepper.
  11. Use Chicken flavoring (optional).
  12. Prepare Oil for frying.

Short Tips:

You can eliminate the garlic smell from your hands by rubbing them for thirty seconds on your stainless-steel range before cleaning them. Garlic includes a wonderful taste to lots of recipes, but the apparent smell can linger on your hands. Utilizing this idea, you can enjoy your supper without your hands scenting highly of garlic.

instructions :Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN)

  1. Saute onion, garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant..
  2. Add rice, salted fish and eggs. Stir until blended..
  3. Add soy sauce, salt, pepper and flavoring (optional). Stir until all blended..
  4. Towards the end, add sesame oil and scallions. Cook, stirring frequently until wilted scallions..
  5. Arrange fried rice on plate and serve while warm..
  6. NOTE : dried salted fish.

Food preparation a tasty meal for your family doesn't have to suggest spending hrs slaving away in the kitchen area. There are numerous number of recipes such as Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) recipe, you can use to whip with each other a great dish in a short time, soon your family members will be delighting in the fruits of your labors.

If you find this Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

5 Recipe Delicious Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) tasty & healthy!
Collection 5 Recipe Delicious Salted Fish Fried Rice (NASI GORENG IKAN ASIN) tasty & healthy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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