32 Recipe Perfect Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce suitable for every moment!

32 Recipe Perfect Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce suitable for every moment!

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Cooking could be one of the oldest skills in the world. That does not imply that there are any kind of restrictions to the knowledge available for the chef thinking about increasing his/her abilities. Also the finest cooks, also professionals, can always locate new dishes, techniques as well as strategies to enhance their kitchen area abilities, so lets try this Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce recipe, we hope you like it.

Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce

Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce

To make Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce you need 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce :

  1. You need steak of your choice cut into thin strips.
  2. You need large onion sliced into half moon shapes.
  3. Use bell pepper cut into strips. Can use red and yellow peppers.
  4. You need butter or vegetable oil.
  5. Prepare Fajita Seasoning (Recipe on next page).
  6. Use oil for fajita marinade.
  7. Provide water for marinade.
  8. Provide flour tortillas.
  9. Prepare Queso cheese to taste. Can use shredded cheese also.
  10. You need to prepare Salt and pepper.

Short Tips:

When saving components that you will use for cooking it is a good routine to stock them in large quantities and also freeze them in plastic bags. This will make preparing food simpler and also quicker. As an example, when preparing vegetables, you can just pull them out of the fridge freezer as well as simply steam them.

step by step :Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce

  1. In large zip lock bag or deep dish, mix fajita mix with 2 tbsp. oil, 1/2 cup water until well combined. Add steak strips and mix around until all meat is covered well. I like using zip lock bags so it lays flat and marinade spreads easily over all the strips. Marinate for 30 minutes..
  2. In skillet, melt butter or oil over medium heat. Add strips of peppers and onions. I add a sprinkle of fajita seasoning to this just for taste. Cook until slightly tender. I like mine with a little firmness. Remove from skillet to bowl or plate..
  3. Cook the strips of steaks in butter or oil on medium high heat until cooked to your liking. These are medium. I like to crank the up at first to get a nice sear on the strips..
  4. When steak is cooked to your liking, add the onion and pepper mixture to steak and season with more fajita seasoning or salt and pepper. Really any seasoning you like. Turn off heat..
  5. Wrap your tortilla shells in aluminum foil and warm in oven for a few minutes to soften up. Can wrap in paper towel and microwave just for a few seconds to soften..
  6. Take warm tortilla and spread with cheese sauce. Add rice and steak/onion pepper mixture. Eat like a taco or roll like a burrito. Can also serve rice on the side..

Since you've reached the end of this Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce recipe, now explore recipes and also implement it and enjoy. You never understand - you just might have located a brand-new job.

If you find this Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

32 Recipe Perfect Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce suitable for every moment!
Collection 32 Recipe Perfect Steak Fajitas with Queso Cheese Sauce suitable for every moment! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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