44 Recipe Tasty Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!

44 Recipe Tasty Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!

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Whether you are an university student just beginning your own culinary experiments or a skilled cook with numerous supper parties under your belt, there is constantly something new to learn more about cooking. We hope these Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes recipe and tips can help you in your kitchen area tonight, as well as get used to incredible home-cooked meals.

Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes

Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes

To cook Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes you need 14 ingredients and 21 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes :

  1. Provide diced chicken breasts.
  2. Use green bell peppers.
  3. You need red bell peppers.
  4. Prepare chopped onion.
  5. Provide McCormick fajitas seasoning.
  6. Provide vegetable oil.
  7. Provide onion powder.
  8. You need ground black pepper.
  9. Provide Idaho Mashed Potatoes.
  10. Provide butter.
  11. Provide milk.
  12. You need water.
  13. Prepare garlic salt.
  14. You need sea salt.

Short Tips:

Sometimes all the dish needs is a squeeze of lime to take it to the next level. To get most of the juice out of citrus, roll it on a cutting board before slicing in.

instructions :Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes

  1. If chicken breasts, green and red bell peppers and onions aren't already chopped (diced) chop each individually then mix together..
  2. After mixing the chicken breast with vegetables, add 3 dashes of McCormick Fajitas seasoning, then stir..
  3. Using a frying pan preferably a Mongolian frying pan add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (stops the meat and veggies from sticking) and set the stove temperature to a low setting..
  4. After a minute carefully pour the fajitas into the pan and stir until all meat and veggies are spread out..
  5. Place lid over pan and allow to simmer for 2 to 3 minutes..
  6. After 2-3 minutes carefully stir the fajitas and allow to cook on the opposite side. The chicken should be half done by then..
  7. After flipping the fajitas place the lid over the pan again, allowing it to slow cook for another 2 to 3 minutes..
  8. Within 3 minutes the fajitas should be fully cooked (Note: the chicken should be light brown and tender while the veggies slightly dark and soft)..
  9. Place lid on the fajitas and turn the stove temperature to very low in order keep fajitas hot..
  10. If not multitasking, start on the mashed potatoes..
  11. Place a pot of warm water on the stove and set stove temperature to low..
  12. After water starts to boil add 1/2 stick of butter to the water..
  13. After butter melts add 2 boxes of Idaho Potato Mashed Potatoes and stir until the potatoes smoothens out..
  14. If the potatoes thicken add 3 cups of water..
  15. Add 4 cups of milk (preferably 2% or Low fat) then continue to stir..
  16. Add a dash of onion powder..
  17. Add a dash of garlic salt..
  18. Add a dash of ground black pepper..
  19. Add 2 dashes of sea salt..
  20. Stir the mashed potatoes until the thick and creamy texture..
  21. When serving, place mashed potatoes in center of the plate then place the chicken fajitas on top of the potatoes and enjoy! :).

Now that you've gotten to the end of this Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes recipe, currently explore recipes as well as apply it and also appreciate. You never ever recognize - you just might have found a brand-new job.

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44 Recipe Tasty Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite!
Collection 44 Recipe Tasty Chicken Fajitas Mashed Potatoes family's new favorite! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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