35 Exotic Scrambled egg fried rice delicious & tasty!

35 Exotic Scrambled egg fried rice delicious & tasty!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Whether you are a college student simply starting your own culinary experiments or a seasoned chef with lots of dinner celebrations under your belt, there is constantly something brand-new to learn more about cooking. We hope these Scrambled egg fried rice recipe and tips can help you in your kitchen tonight, as well as get used to fabulous home-cooked dishes.

Scrambled egg fried rice

Scrambled egg fried rice The rice is nicely fried with eggs and some veggies like capsicum, carrots and spring onion greens. Spam and Scrambled Egg --- two breakfast favorites are combined with rice and mushrooms to make a new savory lunch treat. You can also use ham, bacon, or shredded chicken instead of Spam.

To make Scrambled egg fried rice you need 20 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Scrambled egg fried rice :

  1. Use Rice.
  2. Prepare Green beans,green peas.
  3. Provide Carrot.
  4. Provide Fresh pepper.
  5. You need to prepare Oil.
  6. You need Meat(goat,cow,liver) it is optional i didn't use it too.
  7. Use Stock water.
  8. Use Garlic.
  9. Prepare Curry.
  10. You need Garlic.
  11. Provide Thyme.
  12. Use Curry.
  13. You need Benny chicken seasoning.
  14. Prepare Thyme.
  15. You need to prepare Egg.
  16. You need Benny chicken seasoning.
  17. Provide Onions.
  18. You need to prepare Egg.
  19. Provide Little tumeric powder(it gave my rice d perfect yellow color.).
  20. You need to prepare Onions.

Short Tips:

Sometimes all the dish needs is a squeeze of lemon to take it to the next level. To get the foremost juice out of citrus, roll it on a chopping board before slicing in.

step by step :Scrambled egg fried rice

  1. Note if you are adding meat:wash and cook your meat with your seasoning,onion,thyme,garlic and fry it after cooking.don't fry the liver but cut it into smaller sizes.
  2. Put your pan on the fire add a little oil pour the egg mixture and keep stirring till it is well fried your scrambled egg is ready..
  3. Wash and dice your vegetables,chop your pepper and onion..
  4. Parboil the rice wash and keep aside..
  5. Put a little oil in the pan,add curry and a little tumeric, add salt and fry and set aside..
  6. Put a pot on fire add your meat stock water inside d pot,add some curry and maggi,pour d per boiled rice into d boiling stock and cover it to dry off,add a little onions,if the water is down allow it to dry,.
  7. Turn d rice very well..
  8. Return your fried curry on the fire add your vegetables and fry them on low heat..
  9. Add your rice inside the sauce mix it very well and fry it for 1 minute..
  10. Your fried rice is ready to be served..
  11. In a bowl break your egg add your oil,pepper and seasonings and whisk it very well..
  12. Put your frying pan on fire put a little oil,pour your egg mixture and stir keep stirring it till it is well fried your scrambled egg is ready..

It's another low-effort recipe for preparing a quick weeknight meal. Watch our video to find out how to make egg-fried and discover just how easy it is. Eggs, vegetables and rice tossed in Chinese sauces literally give this fried rice the touch of restaurant style food. Make it on busy days, and impress your It's usually made with scrambled eggs, rice and Chinese sauces. Plus, it comes with all the goodness of fresh vegetables.

Take these Scrambled egg fried rice recipe ideas and use them and maybe even experiment while you go to it. The kitchen area is a terrific location to attempt new points with the appropriate assistance.

If you find this Scrambled egg fried rice recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

35 Exotic Scrambled egg fried rice delicious & tasty!
Collection 35 Exotic Scrambled egg fried rice delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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