19 Recipe Yummy Vegetable egg fried rice suitable for every moment!

19 Recipe Yummy Vegetable egg fried rice suitable for every moment!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

When you recognize the fundamentals of cooking, it can be such a freeing and also rewarding experience to develop a merely scrumptious dish or baked thing. The smells in your home and the faces of the people that you share it with are priceless. We wish this Vegetable egg fried rice recipe will certainly provide you some idea for you to come to be a remarkable cook.

Vegetable egg fried rice

Vegetable egg fried rice Spice up your rice with this easy recipe and feel free to mix things up with different veg, from BBC Good Food. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan on a medium-high heat. Egg Fried Rice is an easy Chinese fried rice recipe that you can make at home.

To make Vegetable egg fried rice you only need 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Vegetable egg fried rice :

  1. Prepare soaked rice.
  2. You need capsicum.
  3. Provide carrot.
  4. Provide green onion.
  5. You need to prepare egg.
  6. Prepare Salt.
  7. You need to prepare Red or orange food colour.
  8. Use Cumin.
  9. You need to prepare oil.
  10. You need to prepare soya sauce.
  11. Prepare vinegar.
  12. You need to prepare black pepper.

Short Tips:

If a recipe says to use a certain sort of pan, then use that pan. If you only own one nonstick pan, the most effective tip we can give you is to wait for a good sale at a kitchen store, then buy yourself a stainless-steel pan and a cast iron frying pan. Additionally its sensible idea to replace cheap nonstick pans every few years, as the coating can wear down over the years.

instructions :Vegetable egg fried rice

  1. First add oil and cumin in to the pot then add water..add salt. When water is boiling add rice and cooked until 90% is done..
  2. In a pan add all vegetables, soya sauce, salt and vinegar with with 1 tbsp of oil.. Just saute it for 2 3 min...
  3. Take egg add salt, black pepper and food colour.. Make a scramble egg..
  4. Layer the rice, vegetables and egg.. Then put it on low flame with just a splash of water for about 10 min..
  5. Your rice is ready to be served..

Quick and easy fried rice which has veggies and egg in them. Taste so delicious and perfect to put in kids lunch box. This stir fry rice is super easy to make and it taste amazing. You can add cooked chicken along with veggies in this. And with a fried egg on top, this is certainly a dish you can't get from your local takeout spot.

There are few hobbies as enjoyable and also fulfilling as cooking. Not only can you bend your innovative muscles, you can also offer delicious dishes for your family. Increasing your knowledge of food preparation is certain to boost your time in the cooking area. Trying Vegetable egg fried rice recipe is a terrific means to do simply that.

If you find this Vegetable egg fried rice recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

19 Recipe Yummy Vegetable egg fried rice suitable for every moment!
Collection 19 Recipe Yummy Vegetable egg fried rice suitable for every moment! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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