35 The best Egg Fried rice delicious and handy!

35 The best Egg Fried rice delicious and handy!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Whether you are a college student simply starting your own culinary experiments or a seasoned chef with many dinner events under your belt, there is always something new to learn more about cooking. We hope these Egg Fried rice recipe and tips can help you in your kitchen area tonight, and get used to magnificent home-cooked dishes.

Egg Fried rice

Egg Fried rice This egg fried rice recipe is easy and delicious, perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. Don't call the Chinese takeaway - make your own egg-fried rice. Use leftover rice, or cook and dry it on a plate.

You can cook Egg Fried rice using 12 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Egg Fried rice :

  1. Prepare eggs.
  2. Provide boiled rice.
  3. Prepare Green capsicum Chopped.
  4. You need to prepare carrot chopped.
  5. Use Boiled Corn.
  6. Prepare large onion Chopped.
  7. Prepare butter.
  8. You need to prepare Salt.
  9. Provide jeera (cumin seeds).
  10. You need Green Chilli.
  11. Use Sugar.
  12. You need to prepare Pepper powder.

Short Tips:

Among the best things that you can do is to prepare with member of the family or close friends. When you cook with another person, you will be able to detect tricks that they apply as well as will certainly be able to much better on your own as a chef. Speak to them to see just how their thought process works, to raise your know-how.

instructions :Egg Fried rice

  1. Heat butter in a pan..
  2. Add jeera. When it crackles, add chopped capsicum, carrot and onions. Fry and put in boiled corns..
  3. Stir fry. Add slit green chilli..
  4. Beat the eggs and add salt and pepper..
  5. Add the egg mixture in the pan and stir well. Keep tossing..
  6. Add I teaspoon sugar and stir well.
  7. Add the boiled rice and blend well with the masala.
  8. When the rice turns a little yellowish, turn off the flame.
  9. You can sprinkle some Maggi Masala (optional).

This fried rice comes together really quickly, so it's important that all of your ingredients are prepped and ready to go before you start cooking. Chinese Egg Fried Rice (蛋炒饭) is a featured Chinese dish popular in all over the country. The ingredients are simple but taste is great. Basic fried rice recipes are quite popular all over China. Egg fried rice (Gyeran Bokkeumbap, 계란볶음밥) is a simple stir fried dish mainly using egg and rice.

Now that you have actually read Egg Fried rice recipe, it is the time for you to head to the kitchen area as well as prepare some excellent food! Keep in mind, food preparation is not an ability that can be 100 percent right at first. Technique is needed for you to master the art of food preparation.

If you find this Egg Fried rice recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

35 The best Egg Fried rice delicious and handy!
Collection 35 The best Egg Fried rice delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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