46 The best Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice delicious and easy to make.

46 The best Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice delicious and easy to make.

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Are you a cooking expert? Possibly you are simply a kitchen expert? Or like lots of others, you may be a newbie.Whatever the instance may be, helpful cooking recommendations can include some fresh concepts to your cooking. Spend some time and also find out a couple of points that can splash some new fun right into your kitchen routine. This Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice recipe maybe a perfect fit for you.

Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice

Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice Chicken Shashlik - Spicy and tangy Chicken Shashlik is one of the popular Chinese recipes that is made from boneless chicken along with spices and supporting ingredients like corn flour, ketchup, yogurt, eggs, green onion, black pepper, chili powder, soya sauce, vinegar, chili sauce, and Chinese. SooperChef is eating Chicken Shashlik with Egg Fried Rice. If you love Chinese cuisine you'll love "Chicken Shashlik with Egg Fried Rice" with a Pakistani flavour.

To cook Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice you need 20 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice :

  1. Provide Chicken Boneless (cube cutting).
  2. You need to prepare Rice.
  3. Provide Salt as per taste.
  4. You need Red Chilli Crushed.
  5. You need to prepare Black Pepper, Crushed.
  6. Prepare Sugar.
  7. You need Cooking Oil.
  8. You need Ginger & Garlic Paste.
  9. You need to prepare Capsicum.
  10. You need Onion.
  11. Provide Tomato Paste.
  12. Prepare Tomato.
  13. Provide Tomato Ketchup.
  14. Use Soy Sauce.
  15. You need Carrots.
  16. Use Chilli Garlic Sauce.
  17. Use Cabbage.
  18. Use Egg.
  19. You need Corn Flour.
  20. You need Chicken Stock.

Short Tips:

Prep work is an extremely fundamental part of cooking. You wish to ensure you have every thing you might require. You likewise wish to see to it you have all the materials you might require. You don't intend to remain in the center of a dish as well as find out you are missing out on something important.

step by step :Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice

  1. In a pot, add and marinate chicken, egg, salt, green chilli, black pepper, sugar. Now keep in the refrigerator for 30 minutes..
  2. In cooking pot, add cooking oil, ginger & garlic paste, marinated chicken and cook for 2-3 minutes. Now add, salt, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, tomato paste, chilli sauce and mix it..
  3. Afterward, add capsicum, onion, tomato and cook for 2-3 minutes and add chicken stock, and corn flour mixed with water. Now cook for 2-3 minutes..
  4. Egg Fried Rice Cooking Direction : In a cooking pot add, cooking oil, egg, capsicum, cabbage, carrots, boiled rice, salt, black pepper, soy sauce, green onion and cook for a while..
  5. Your tasty Chicken Shashlik With Egg Fried Rice is ready to serve..

The simplest of Chinese recipes is recreated here by stir-frying chicken, rice, soy sauce and egg. Add the sliced fried chicken, pour in the eggs around the chicken. Cover with a lid and cook until eggs are at your desired doneness. Slide the egg and chicken over cooked rice, garnish with chopped scallions and shredded nori. Rice Cake, Chicken Shashlik with Rice and Rice Crisp - Rice Cake - A deliciously fancy rice recipe.

Food preparation a delicious dish for your family does not have to suggest spending hrs slaving away in the cooking area. There are many variety of recipes such as Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice recipe, you can make use of to whip together a terrific dish in a short time, soon your family members will be enjoying the fruits of your labors.

If you find this Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

46 The best Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice delicious and easy to make.
Collection 46 The best Chicken Shashlik with egg fried rice delicious and easy to make. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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