9 Best Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice tasty & healthy!

9 Best Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice tasty & healthy!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

There are several sources of details on cooking. Some info is tailored towards seasoned cooks and not for the ordinary person. It can be confusing to wade through every one of the readily available information. Luckily, this Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice recipe is easy to do and will give you some wonderful ideas. They will benefit anyone, even a newbie.

Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice

Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice

You can have Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice :

  1. Provide cooked white rice.
  2. Use grated carrot.
  3. Provide eggs.
  4. Use salt.
  5. You need to prepare oil.
  6. Prepare black pepper.
  7. Prepare napa cabbage.
  8. Use seasoning.
  9. Provide light soy sauce.

Short Tips:

If you are cooking from a recipe, the simplest tip we can give you is to read through the whole thing all the way through before you begin to cook. Not only will this help you gain a far better understanding of what the final dish should look and taste like, you’ll also be ready to ascertain that cooking utensil you need, as well as catch important instructions.

step by step :Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice

  1. in pan with oil saute napa cabbage for 2 minute.
  2. add cooked rice and carrot with light soy sauce and.
  3. break 2 eggs and black pepper let it set then stir fry for another 1 minute.
  4. off heat and serve immediately.

A fantastic, home-cooked dish is the kind of thing all of us keep in mind. Using these Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice recipe to enhance your food preparation is the same as a professional athlete who keeps training-- the extra you do it, the better you get, find out as much as you can about cooking. The more recipe you have, the better your dishes will taste.

If you find this Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

9 Best Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice tasty & healthy!
Collection 9 Best Cabbage And Egg Fried Rice tasty & healthy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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