39 Recipe Appetizing Peppered Egg fried rice delicious & tasty!

39 Recipe Appetizing Peppered Egg fried rice delicious & tasty!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

It's long been said that the very best way to a male's heart is with his tummy. Yet males aren't the only ones who like a wonderful meal. Cooking is not simply a technical skill, it's a life task that you use each day. Below, Peppered Egg fried rice dish to exercise and also boost your cooking abilities and also make you even better at it.

Peppered Egg fried rice

Peppered Egg fried rice Top tip for making Egg fried rice with red peppers. You can add prawns or ham if you want extra flavour, or try vegetables like corn, carrots. This easy egg fried rice is a no-fuss weeknight meal that is better than takeout!

To make Peppered Egg fried rice you only need 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Peppered Egg fried rice :

  1. You need to prepare rice Boiled.
  2. Use Eggs.
  3. You need to prepare Green chilli (long split).
  4. Provide Curry leaves.
  5. Provide mustard seeds.
  6. Provide salt.
  7. You need to prepare Pepper powder.
  8. Provide coriander Finely chopped.
  9. Prepare Oil.

Short Tips:

You can eliminate the garlic smell from your hands by massaging them for thirty secs on your stainless steel range before washing them. Garlic includes a wonderful taste to lots of dishes, yet the distinct smell can remain on your hands. Utilizing this idea, you can appreciate your supper without your hands smelling highly of garlic.

step by step :Peppered Egg fried rice

  1. Take adequate oil in a tawa...sufficient enough  to scramble 4 eggs.
  2. Heat the oil.Crack eggs.add a pinch of salt and scramble the eggs..
  3. Now push the scrambled eggs to one side of the tawa and pour little oil in the other corner..
  4. Add mustard seeds,split chilli,curry leaves and fry them for half a minute..
  5. Now mix everything together and add rice (Don't reduce the flame)..
  6. Add salt according to your taste and mix everything well.Add pepper powder and mix it as well. You can toss the contents if you can to get them mixed evenly..
  7. Keep tossing/mixing for 2 minutes and add chopped coriander.Toss/mix again till it gets mixed and turn off the flame..
  8. This steaming hot egg fried rice can be served as it is..

It is probably the trademark dishes of. My egg fried rice recipe uses egg that's slightly flavored with turmeric and paprika, which I think is a unique addition. It adds color to the dish, making it a vibrant yellow. Add the peas and stir fry continuously for another minute. Next spread the salt, sugar, and black pepper over the rice and mix.

A great, home-cooked dish is the kind of thing everyone keep in mind. Using these Peppered Egg fried rice recipe to enhance your cooking coincides as a professional athlete who maintains training-- the much more you do it, the far better you obtain, learn as high as you can around food preparation. The more recipe you have, the far better your dishes will certainly taste.

If you find this Peppered Egg fried rice recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

39 Recipe Appetizing Peppered Egg fried rice delicious & tasty!
Collection 39 Recipe Appetizing Peppered Egg fried rice delicious & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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