How to Make Delicious Egg Fried Rice delicious and easy to make.

How to Make Delicious Egg Fried Rice delicious and easy to make.

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

Lots of people love cooking as well as believe it makes the excellent relaxing leisure activity. A kitchen that is filled with fresh food that smells tasty is certain to make any person's state of mind a bit lighter. It can sometimes seem difficult, however, to identify recipes that help you or recommendations that results in an eventually successful meal. Possibly this Egg Fried Rice recipe is the one you are trying to find.

Egg Fried Rice

Egg Fried Rice This egg fried rice recipe is easy and delicious, perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. Don't call the Chinese takeaway - make your own egg-fried rice. Use leftover rice, or cook and dry it on a plate.

You can have Egg Fried Rice using 16 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Egg Fried Rice :

  1. Prepare Rice Soaked and Drained.
  2. You need Eggs , Lightly Beaten.
  3. Provide Onion , Sliced.
  4. Prepare Carrot , Peeled and Chopped.
  5. Use Capsicum Medium Sized , Chopped.
  6. Prepare Cabbage , Chopped.
  7. You need to prepare Peas , Finely Chopped.
  8. You need chilies Green , Chopped.
  9. You need Ginger , Chopped.
  10. Use Garlic , Chopped.
  11. You need to prepare White Pepper Powder.
  12. Prepare Green Onion , Chopped.
  13. Use Soya Sauce.
  14. You need Lime Juice.
  15. Use Oil , frying.
  16. You need Salt.

Short Tips:

Among the greatest things that you can do is to prepare with family members or close friends. When you prepare with somebody else, you will certainly be able to notice tricks that they implement and also will be able to better on your own as a cook. Speak to them to see just how their mind functions, to boost your know-how.

instructions :Egg Fried Rice

  1. Boil rice in a pan add salt and cook till the rice is tender. Turn off the heat, drain well and let them cool.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, add onion, green chilies, garlic and ginger. Stir it for few minutes till the onion become soften.
  3. Combine carrot, capsicum, cabbage, peas in to the pan. Mix them well. Add boiled rice and salt in the pan. Keep cooking until all vegetables are cooked. Then add soya sauce, white pepper and lime juice. Mix thoroughly. Keep aside.
  4. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in another pan and add beaten eggs. Fry gently so they are becomes scrambled. Turn off the heat and mix with the fried rice.
  5. Garnish fried rice with green onion and serve hot.

This fried rice comes together really quickly, so it's important that all of your ingredients are prepped and ready to go before you start cooking. Chinese Egg Fried Rice (蛋炒饭) is a featured Chinese dish popular in all over the country. The ingredients are simple but taste is great. Basic fried rice recipes are quite popular all over China. Egg fried rice (Gyeran Bokkeumbap, 계란볶음밥) is a simple stir fried dish mainly using egg and rice.

Take these Egg Fried Rice recipe suggestions and also utilize them and also maybe even experiment while you are at it. The kitchen is a wonderful location to attempt brand-new points with the ideal aid.

If you find this Egg Fried Rice recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

How to Make Delicious Egg Fried Rice delicious and easy to make.
Collection How to Make Delicious Egg Fried Rice delicious and easy to make. that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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