8 Exotic #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice delicious and handy!

8 Exotic #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice delicious and handy!

A Food Blog Serving Up Quick and Easy.

There are numerous sources of details on cooking. Some details is tailored in the direction of knowledgeable cooks as well as not for the typical individual. It can be perplexing to learn all of the offered details. Thankfully, this #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice recipe is easy to do and will offer you some excellent ideas. They will certainly work for any person, also a novice.

#Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice

#Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice

You can cook #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice using 20 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice :

  1. Provide boiled rice.
  2. You need groundnut seeds.
  3. Use curry leaves.
  4. Prepare small mustard seeds.
  5. Use cumin.
  6. You need asafoetida.
  7. You need finely chopped garlic cloves.
  8. Use big chopped onion.
  9. Provide big chopped tomato.
  10. You need whole green chillies.
  11. Use carrot grated.
  12. You need turmeric powder.
  13. Prepare red chilli powder.
  14. You need Salt.
  15. Prepare ofChopped coriander leaves.
  16. Prepare eggs.
  17. Prepare Chaat masala.
  18. Prepare cardamom powder.
  19. Prepare butter and 2 tablespoon oil.
  20. You need slices of tomatoes for garnishing.

Short Tips:

Among the greatest points that you can do is to cook with family members or pals. When you cook with another person, you will certainly have the ability to notice methods that they execute and also will certainly be able to far better on your own as a chef. Talk with them to see how their thought process functions, to raise your knowledge.

instructions :#Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice

  1. Take a pan heat oil and butter on a medium flame until smoking point reached.
  2. Add in small mustard and cumin seeds.
  3. When mustard and cumin start crackling add in groundnuts seeds and sautey for one minute or until nice aroma start coming.
  4. Now add in finely chopped garlic cloves,slit green chillies and curry leaves sautey for a while..
  5. Add in chopped onions sautey on a high flame until onion turns soft and pinkish in colour..
  6. Add in turmeric powder and red chilli powder,salt to taste and give it a stir..
  7. Now add chopped tomatoes and cook them on high to low flame until turns soft and mushy..
  8. Crack open 4eggs cook for 1 minute on high flame then mix with a spatula..
  9. Now add in cardamom powder,chopped coriander leaves and mix..
  10. Add in cooked rice and toss them with other ingredients nicely..
  11. Squeeze in lemon juice and sprinkle chaat masala and mix..
  12. Turn off the flame.
  13. Serve hot and yummy ready Desi egg fried rice for the brunch or at the time of tea to your juniors they are going to love them..

Food preparation a tasty dish for your family doesn't have to mean investing hrs ploding away in the kitchen area. There are several variety of recipes such as #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice recipe, you can utilize to whip together an excellent dish quickly, quickly your household will be delighting in the fruits of your labors.

If you find this #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

8 Exotic #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice delicious and handy!
Collection 8 Exotic #Healthy junior...Desi egg fried rice delicious and handy! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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