6 Best Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles perfect & tasty!

6 Best Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles perfect & tasty!

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Whether you are a college student just beginning your very own culinary experiments or a skilled chef with numerous supper parties under your belt, there is always something new to find out about cooking. We hope these Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles recipe and tips can help you in your kitchen tonight, and also get used to wonderful home-cooked dishes.

Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles

Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles Different cuts of rice noodles require different soaking times. Refer to package directions if possible, or check out this guide. Thai food style,Top view of noodle with squid, boiled egg, mussel, shrimp, hot and Sour Soup in white bowl.

To make Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles you need 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you do it.

Ingredients of Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles :

  1. Use large mussels.
  2. You need shrimps.
  3. Provide egg.
  4. You need to prepare rice noodles.
  5. Prepare oil.
  6. Prepare Curry powder.

Short Tips:

Do not fear sharp knives. Will they give you a nasty cut? absolutely. However dull knives are perpetually proved tested to be more dangerous because they are more prone to slip when cutting, which makes the chance of cutting yourself higher. If you plan to keeping knives sharp, you ought to also find out how to properly hold a chef’s knife, as well as how to hold the food you’re cutting.

step by step :Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles

  1. Prepare all the ingredients at a dish.
  2. Add oil and fried the mussels firstly, and the add the shrimps.
  3. Add the curry powder with the water.
  4. Add the rice noodles to the pan and add the curry powder mixture to the rice noodles and mixed them together.
  5. Add the egg and mixed with the ingredients and fried the rice noodles. Add a bit water if the noodles is too dry.
  6. Mixed all the ingredients together and add the black pepper finally. The dish is ready to serve now. Enjoy :).

So, kwe tiau siram literally means flat-rice noodles poured with hot gravy. This dish I believe has its Chinese origin and also known as Wat Tan Hor in other countries. Pour egg mixture evenly over the rice and stir fry the rice at high heat until the rice is somewhat dry. Season with chicken seasoning powder and salt, to taste. Top with the cooked prawns and garnish with chopped spring onions.

Everybody intends to be a much better chef. Every person intends to explore enjoyable recipes. Discovering the time and really feeling the motivation to be creative in the cooking area can in some cases present a challenge though. We really hope these Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles recipe can bring the magic to your kitchen. Offer a couple of these concepts a try tonight, your palate will certainly thanks!

If you find this Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

6 Best Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles perfect & tasty!
Collection 6 Best Mussels Shrimps with Egg Sour Fried Rice Noodles perfect & tasty! that are guaranteed to be delicious, Delicious and tasty

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